Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone out there

PS to Stuart, Taufik and Wong:

Stuart : I really appreciate if you reply my ym message and pls give me your handphone number in Malaysia. My number (Azizi) 0122657969
Taufik : I need your handphone number as well
Wong : I need your email. You need to read Taufik's letter regarding our house.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Salam Raya Aidil Adha

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua umat Islam di luar sana~

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Barang Malaysia is cheap... WHY??

That is because we use Australian Dollars to compare with Malaysian Ringgit. When I think about it, the price for most things has risen. The simplest example you can see is McDonald. I always hoping that the Malaysian currency will drop so that 1AUD = RM3+. But actually if the the value of Malaysian money is dropped, our sponsor would have problem to provide monthly scholarship to us. They still need to provide us with the money every month. So now, how is it going to be?? wishing the value to drop?? or what??

PS : I'm watching Marseille vs Liverpool. So I have no idea what to write.. huhuhu.. However, there is still something to think about.,

new MeMBeR in da House

Salam and hi everyone!!!!!!!!

We forgot to inform everyone that we got a new member in our house last month during the period of examination. That person is another shafiq but well known as "Wong" aka Shafiq TOHA!!

At first, he lived in Hi-z's house with Hi z, Gapo and Toye but after one semester due to some disagreement with housemate, he decided to move in to Barkers apartment. He lived there all alone and he got bored. So as the stories continues, during the period of examination, he spent time in our house and studied together. Then Stuart and Syamil invite him to stay in our since we were comfortable with him even though sometimes he is a bit "celaka".

The good things are our rent expenses and monthly expenses is reduced plus there are more jokes around. The bad things are he does not close his eyes and often bite his teeth during sleep....... Maybe ade "hantu ketip" dlm badan die.. AND he even bit Syamil's hand and breast last month.. GAYYYYY.. so he has become a new member of GAYS.. hahahaha