HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone out there
PS to Stuart, Taufik and Wong:
Stuart : I really appreciate if you reply my ym message and pls give me your handphone number in Malaysia. My number (Azizi) 0122657969
Taufik : I need your handphone number as well
Wong : I need your email. You need to read Taufik's letter regarding our house.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 6:18 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Salam Raya Aidil Adha
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua umat Islam di luar sana~
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Barang Malaysia is cheap... WHY??
That is because we use Australian Dollars to compare with Malaysian Ringgit. When I think about it, the price for most things has risen. The simplest example you can see is McDonald. I always hoping that the Malaysian currency will drop so that 1AUD = RM3+. But actually if the the value of Malaysian money is dropped, our sponsor would have problem to provide monthly scholarship to us. They still need to provide us with the money every month. So now, how is it going to be?? wishing the value to drop?? or what??
PS : I'm watching Marseille vs Liverpool. So I have no idea what to write.. huhuhu.. However, there is still something to think about.,
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 11:35 AM 0 comments
new MeMBeR in da House
Salam and hi everyone!!!!!!!!
We forgot to inform everyone that we got a new member in our house last month during the period of examination. That person is another shafiq but well known as "Wong" aka Shafiq TOHA!!
At first, he lived in Hi-z's house with Hi z, Gapo and Toye but after one semester due to some disagreement with housemate, he decided to move in to Barkers apartment. He lived there all alone and he got bored. So as the stories continues, during the period of examination, he spent time in our house and studied together. Then Stuart and Syamil invite him to stay in our since we were comfortable with him even though sometimes he is a bit "celaka".
The good things are our rent expenses and monthly expenses is reduced plus there are more jokes around. The bad things are he does not close his eyes and often bite his teeth during sleep....... Maybe ade "hantu ketip" dlm badan die.. AND he even bit Syamil's hand and breast last month.. GAYYYYY.. so he has become a new member of GAYS.. hahahaha
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 10:50 AM 4 comments
Sunday, September 30, 2007
SPRING vacation to Southern Highlands~
Spring break hari tu kitorang (me, syamil, stuart, aiman, gapo n aijud) pegi ke Southern Highlands utk menjadi Mat Bunge.. hahahha.. Kitorang ke sana naik Country Link train ke Bowral.. Bertolak kul 7am, kitorang sampai sane dlm kul 9.00pm.. Kitorang spatutnye check-in kat Caravan Park kul 2pm tp tour guide kitorang encik aiman kate check-in kul 10pm.. Bile sampai sane kitorang jln kaki ke satu public garden called Cobbert Garden.. Ade entry fee $4 tp dalam taman tu mmg cantik r dgn landscape bunge yg mekar.. Kitorang perasan yg sume kat situ org tua.. (Biase la, dh tua barulah nak menikmati keindahan dunia).. Kitorang je bdk2.. Agak pelik!~? Off coz la mane la ade budak lelaki masuk tgk bunge n tangkap gambar dgn bunge.. Gay ke pe?!! Org2 tua sume gelak2 je tgk kitorang.. Yela, mane xnye, laki tgkp gambar dgn bunge.. awek xde pulak tu.. Org2 tua siap ajuk "Where are the girls!!??" hahahaha.. Kitorang pun cakap la yg kitorang ni lelaki yg appreciate ciptaan Tuhan.. huhuhu (actually diri sendiri rase pelik tgkp gambar dgn bunge.. hahahaha)
Then Kitorang naik shuttle bas ni ke next garden.. shuttle bus plus another 2 or 3 gardens costs us $20 per person.. jauh gak la bas tu jalan.. Then kitorang stop kat next Garden.. Garden ni xde bunge yg blossom sgt tp lebih kpd nature called Moidart Garden.. tgkp and tgkp gmbr lagi byk2!~!.. Then after an hour, kitorang mintak tolong driver tu hantar ke Caravan Park sbb nak check-in.. Kali ni bas penuh sbb org2 tua xnak turun.. Kitorg kna naik bas tu jgak, klu x kna tunggu 1 hour.. mne sanggup!!Then kite still nak naik bas tu jgak.. so duk la sume atas lantai.. Org2 tue sume friendly dgn kitorang.. bergurau senda and bergelak ketawa bersame2.. huhuhuhuhu.. Then sampai la di Caravan Park kat Mittagong kitorang nak check-in.. Then tgk2 kitorang kna check in kul 2pm.. So akhirnye bdk2 ni decide nak naik bas ke Bowral balik.. stesen bas 1km dr Caravan Park.. Makkk aii letih ak dibuatnye..
Pastu dgn tambang $3.40 kitorang ke Bowral.. then naik balik Shuttle Bas tu.. Terkejut driver and tour guide die bile tgk kitorang dh sampai Cobbert Garden balik.. haha.. Kali ni kitorang mmg kna duk atas lantai.. full bas tu.. berdiri xleh sbb against the law, so kna la duduk.. Haram dh 2 kali ni.. Kali ni kitorang stop kat GreenBerry Garden(name x sure).. Yg ni ade tmpt wine testing tp off coz la x leh sbb Puasa n Haram.. Garden yg ni mmg mmg mmg lawa gile.. lawa sesangat.. cantiks.. Sesape datang mesti kagum.. huhuhu.. Dipendekkan cite.. after an hour kitorang naik lagi bas tu.. cbe teka kali ni duk lantai ke kerusi?????? Lantai r wat kali ke-3.. adehhhh! Kali ni kitorang x suruh driver tu stop kat Caravan Park.. segan r kan.. die x spatutnye lalu situ.. So kitorang turun kat 1st stop iaitu Cobbert Garden.. huhu.. Kali ni kitorang naik train balik ke Mittagong.. Dependekkan lagi cite.. Tempat tinggal kitorang bkn dlm caravan tp dlm cabin yg lawa lagi selesa..besttt gilee..
Keesokan harinye kitorang ke lagi satu taman kat Moss Vale iaitu Red Cow Farm yg tiada lembu merah.. Taman ni bknnye Spring tp Autumn.. sme daun gugur tp lawa r.. huhu.. Dipendekkan cite lagi.. Sampailah kitorang ke Sydney dgn selamatnye by taxi, train and bus.. huhuhu.. What a great adventure sitting on the floor in a shuttle bus and having laughed by old folks for enjoying the tulips with guys.. hahahhahah~
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 2:51 AM 5 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
when GAYS meet NAOMI + Dahlila terror!!
Assalamualaikum everyone~
Last week was a great week for GAYS with Anas and Aie came to Sydney for holiday (actually running away from *****).. There was two girls with them, one is Ita and another one is exchange UTP student named Dahlila..
OH God, Dahlila (the rightmost in the pic) was loud, we meant very very very loud, louder than any mak cik yg suke pokpek pokpek.. On the first day she came to our beautiful house, she started to sang her song.. We wondered "apesal la minah sorang ni kepoh sgt".. Then she ordered everyone to cook.. "Gile ke pe die ni" - bak kate Anas.. hahahahha.. kesian Dahlila.. kna kutuk kat blog kitorang.. sry yer.. But to be honest, she was loud and causing Stuart to pissed off..
On the Tuesday night, we went to NAOMI's house for Buka Puasa.. We cook Special Ayam Bakar and brought to their house.. Personally, I loved the landscape outside their house - cantik dan teratur unlike Haizie's house, semak samun sampai bole bela ular.. They welcome us with cekodok and cup cake.. Their cup cake sangatttttttttttttt sedappppppppppp.. nak resipi bole x??? and the dessert too.. HOWEVER, their paprik sgt pedassss.. That was the reason that I coudn't eat more because it was too spicy and causing me to sweat same as Hunney(but die menangis, sy x).. haha.. We prayed Maghrib together and then we ate together.. Again!! DAhlila was kecoh, but she made us laugh.. but it was an extra boost to the lively environment with her around.. huhu.. We had a great night at NAOMIs house and I laughed a lot.. Thank Youuu to everyone at NAOMIs house~
After that, we went to Randwick cinema to watch Stardust.. You know what, the lady - the Star had the same face like Nadee but Nadee cannot glow.. hurmm maybe Nadee can, only during "speciaL occasion".. hehehe.. just kidding yer, sry Nadee~
Overall, we had a great time with NAOMIs, Anas, Aie, Razak, Pokwe, Ita and Dahlila.. Thanks to you guys for the Pot Luk Buka Puasa.. THANK YOU!!
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 11:58 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Salam Ramadhan
Selamat Berpuasa kepada seluruh muslimin dan muslimat di seluruh dunia.. Posa jgn x posa!
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Malam Gema Merdeka
Lagi 55 minit sblm kul 12.00 am akan tersambutlah kemerdekaa malaysia yg ke-50.. Yahoooooooooooo!! tp kite sbgi student nampaknye xkan merdeka selagi proses pembelajaran x abih.. aiseyhhh...
Sabtu malam ni ade sambutan Malam Gema Merdeka anjuran MSO di UNSW.. Rumah ni ak sorang je yg pegi.. Stuart anti-sosial, Syamil plak 'emosi' minggu ni.. OOps lupe plak yg Taufik pegi.. tp die dgn awek die yg baru r.. !!! Die telah mengaku kat ak secara tiba2 dlm lecture math !!! Ak ingat die nak tnye soklan math ke.. tetiba dgn peliknye die confess yg die dh di'punyai'.. hahahah.. Apelahhh, x gay toll.. haha..
About malam gema merdeka, ak akan duduk sblh gapo and hiz memandangkn syamil x pgi.. kitorang dh bli tiket silver yg berharga 20$, siap dgn buffet.. klu tiket red, x dpt makan.. X tawu nak pakai baju pe.. Baju melayu????? or smart casual??? hmmmmmmm
Anyway, we all want to wish Happy Independence Day to all Malaysian.. Lets not forget our beloved country, its heritage and history.. MERDEKA!! MERDEKA!!MERDEKA!!
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 6:04 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Malaysian Festival
WOIII!! Malaysian Festival dh mari this coming Saturday/Sunday.. 25/26 aug
Bole kite semua tgk kebudayaan Malaysia dgn lebih dekat lagi.. and boleh berkenalan dgn rakyat Malaysia yg tinggal di Australia..
Jumpa Anda Di Sana Yaaaaaa~
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 1:58 AM 0 comments
Berita Tergempar!!!
Weyh Paku, chill laa.............. kitorang busy la especially aku(jey2), jadual full + clashes... lex r bro.. sabar2..
Helo kengkawan, kami (syamil, jey2, stuart) ade terdgr berita baru yg tersebar di seluruh pelosok bumi australia dan malaysia.. salah sorang ahli band kami(GAYS) telah menjadi tidak gay.. Geng NAOMI menyampaikan berita tergempar yg mengatakan si ****** berkeliaran bersama seorang rakan perempuan di UNSW... saya(Jey2) tidak yakin dengan berita tersebut.. saya sebagai ketua band ini menafikan perkara ini selembut-lembutnya..
Janganlah anda percaya dengan tuduhan sebegini.. Fitnahan dan tohmahan ini hanya berniat untuk merosakkan nama band kami.. Isk222.. apelah nak jd dgn geng NAOMI.. Selagi saya x nampak dgn bijik mata saya nih, (walaupun stuart and syamil dh nampak).. saya tidak akan terpengaruh dgn bende2 sebegini.. hehehe
Kepada si ******, bende baik jgnlah dicover.. lambat laut tersebar jua..
Akhir kata.. wassalamualaikum..
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 1:48 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Guys.. if your friend or anyone that knows you doesn't contact you for some time, does not chat and shut himself/herself up, that doesn't mean that they are not your friend, or you're losing them.. They may be busy with their workstuffs and may be due to some other reasons that you may not need to know.. Remember this quote "FRIENDS FOREVER" as long as you live.. and they will be there when the time comes.. InsyaAllah..
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Pirates Of the Caribbean
jappp.. btul ke ak eja title ni.. ahh.. who cares.. haha.. friday kul 6.30pm, jey2(aku), syamil, gapo, hiz and pokwe gi ke Randwick nak tgk wayang.. awal2 tu bley plak sesat skjp x jumpa cinema..
dhla xde ticket.. cuak kang full house.. pokwe n hiz je pon yg penah pgi situ tp ntah cmne bole sesat.. isk2345.. sampai2 lak tgk Q panjang gle nak mati sampai luar jln.. satu line je plak tu.. lorhh.. syamil n pokwe gi r brator.. yg lain2 gi tgk counter..
pastu de mamat saleh serabai kate yg beratur tu tuk nak masuk tgk movie, bkn Q tuk ticket.. huhuhu.. masuk2 tgk cam opera.. gile best.. ak biase r, kna gi toilet dlu.. buang air seni bak kate org tua.. hehehhe..
Overall best r gak.. cume Chow Yon Fat skjp sgt mati.. bosan r.. x menarik wataks die.. pastu xde subtitle(off coz r!!).. so struggle sket nak catch up klu si sparrow tu ckp laju.. huhuhu..
Yg gay lg satu, bile dh kuar cinema x leh masuk balik.. so xleh r sesape nak gi toilet.. siol tol.. struggle la pastu.. bas dh xde.. so kna la jln kaki balik umah.. gapo plak lapo.. berjalan2 la kat situ cari kedai halal yg bukak.. seb baik de satu kdai pak Arab jual kebabs.. ak plak struggle nak cr toilet.. kang cari sorang2 kna gang bang.. dh la ari tu kat kingsford de org jerit mintak tolong kna rompak.. pastu de plak pompuan menangis.. kna rogol kot?! gile bahye..
dh makan, dh toilet, so blah r jalan kaki ke uni then ke umah.. about 30 mins kot.. plus tgh2 jln siap tgkp gmbr.. hahahah.. pastu main2 "jgn pandang blakang".. tah pape tah.. ak plak susah sket nak jln sbb hamstring.. bola nye pasal.. dorang plak berlari2 lintas jln.. cam siol je.. huhu
Alhamdulillah sume sampai dgn selamat.. k r guys.. akhirnye ak update gak sket.. thx for your support(cewahhhhh!)~
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 8:18 AM 0 comments
sry la geng~
weyh everyone.. kitorang bz la.. nyampah plak kat UNSW ni.. susah bangat..
BTW, korang gi melb x?????????? jom roggeng kat Melb beramai2.. Kitorang nye last paper is physic 26th June.. malam tu gak terus naik train ke melb sbb de Winter Cup the next day.. kitorang stay 1-2 weeks kot.. bergantung pd tahap ke'best'an Melbourne City..
Jom jumpe kat sane!! jom join skali Malaysian Night~!! lagi satu, sape de umah free kat Melb, kitorang nak paw!!
Jap2, de story best, Stewart potong rambut sendiri nmpk cam org Penan.. hahaha.. Syamil plak tiap2 malam tuka gear kereta semasa tido.. Taufik lak ??????? xleh tulis.. kang die gang bang ak.. hahahhah..
PS: Blog ni Jey2 yg alter dan berkuasa.. wahahahaha.. sbb tu si Taufik n Stewart tulis kat chat Box je.. hahaha~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Stewart terer masak!!! korang x tgk cara die potong sayur.. pro pun kalah.. serius nih! superb!!
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 30, 2007
Friday night cooking~
Hello dudes~
Last week, nasi goreng campur hak milik Azizi berjaye membuatkan Stuart tambah sebanyak 5 KALI!!! Sedup tuh~ hehehehe.. Well, that was last week stuff, so how about today?? It is Azizi's turn again and he decided on Jey2 Chicken Curry Special~
1. Hiris sebiji bawang merah besar, 3 ulas bawang putih serta potong dan hiris sebiji potato kepada saiz yg kecil.
2. Tumbuk hirisan bawang merah besar and bawang putih sehingga hancur. Tinggalkan sedikit hirisan bawang putih untuk ditumis bersama hirisan potato.
3. Campak benda2 hirisan bawang merah and bawang putih ke dalam bekas yg berisi ayam mentah dan kemudian gaulkan dengan serbuk kari ayam hingga secukup rase. (sendiri bajet r, baca Bismillah sure OK)
4. Perah air asam jawa ke dalam bekas tersebut.
5. Kemudian panaskan minyak dalam kuali and goreng/tumis hirisan bawang putih dan hirisan potato.
6. Campakkan segala benda dalam bekas berisi ayam tadi ke dalam kuali dan masukkan kesemua potato skali.
7. Biarkan untuk sementara waktu (3-5 minit) dan kemudian tambahkan air ke dalam kuali.
8. Masukkan santan secukup rasa dan jangan lupa masukkan bunga cengkih dan kayu manis.
9. Kemudian masukkan sedikit garam dan gula untuk penambah rasa.
10. Biarkan sampai anda rase ayam dan potato sudah cukup masak. (more than 30 minutes)
11. Jagan lupe rase sedikit kuah tersebut dan adjust ape yg patut. Kalau terlebih santan, tambah serbuk kari.
Huhu.. Trust me on this.. It will be delicious.. Remember, dont forget to Bismillah before cook and always doa for a great outcome. That is Azizi's key to success for every meal~
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 7:17 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Hey dude!! Whats up yo~
Assalamualaikum kpd suma manusia di luar sana..
I present this special blog which belongs to Azizi aka JeyJey, Syamil aka Shemale, Taufik aka Dewa and Shafiq aka Stuart to all dudes out there. YEAHHHH!!!
Actually GAYS after the name of this blog does not mean homosexual guys.. Ingat ya!!! hehe.. However, the word GAYS means "carefree person" or "carefree guys" just like us = Lelaki yang happy, cool and sempoi.. hehehe
Actually we decided to open an account for E-Blogger after the N.A.O.M.I. blog belongs to Nadee, Adil, Odd, Moon and Isma has been published.. Biase la, kami pun nak cite jugak pasal hidup kami and pasal masakan kami yg sedup2.. hahahah
Ok guys, this is the intro of the blog. We do not insert any videos, songss, link and whatsoever yet. Any suggestion?? Anyway, GOOD LUCK to you guys out there. Thats it for now.....
Posted by zz, syamil, taufik, stuart at 6:11 AM 1 comments